Druon maurice the iron king по низким ценам

Druon Maurice The Iron King

Druon Maurice The Iron King

“Accursed! Accursed! You shall be accursed to the thirteenth generation!” The Iron King – Philip the Fair – is as cold and silent, as handsome and unblinking as a statue. He governs his realm with an iron hand, but he cannot rule his own family: his sons are weak and their wives adulterous; while
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Купить за 1685 RUR
Druon Maurice The King Without a Kingdom

Druon Maurice The King Without a Kingdom

The reign of the Capetian kings has ended and John II, ‘The Good’, takes the throne. Under the leadership of this vain, cruel, incompetent monarch The Hundred Years War escalates and England and France begin to tear each other apart. Warring factions plunder the land, famine threatens the people
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Купить за 1685 RUR
Druon Maurice The Strangled Queen

Druon Maurice The Strangled Queen

The King is dead. Long live the King. Philip IV is dead and his great kingdom is in disarray. It seems the fatal curse of the Templars is plaguing the royal house of France. His son has been enthroned as Louis X; but with his disgraced wife Marguerite imprisoned in the Chateau Gaillard for her
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Купить за 2592 RUR
Druon Maurice The Poisoned Crown

Druon Maurice The Poisoned Crown

No man is impervious to the poisons of the crown… Having murdered his wife and exiled his mistress, King Louis X of France becomes besotted with Princess Clemence of Hungary and makes her his new Queen. However, though the matter of the succession should be assured, it is far from so, as Louis
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Купить за 1685 RUR
Druon Maurice The Royal Succession

Druon Maurice The Royal Succession

'No woman shall succeed in Salique land' Louis X is dead, poisoned, murdered, by the hand of Mahaut d'Artois. Her plan is simple - to clear the path to the throne for her son-in-law Philippe. However, there is the small matter of Queen Clemence and her unborn child. As the country is thrown into
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Купить за 1685 RUR
Druon Maurice The Lily and the Lion

Druon Maurice The Lily and the Lion

The royal house of France has fallen. Charles IV is dead, fulfilling the curse of the Templars once and for all. This leaves the path to the throne open for Robert of Artois to place his cousin, Philippe of Valois, upon it. Having committed fraud, perjury and murder in the name of the new king,
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Купить за 1873 RUR
Druon Maurice Memoires

Druon Maurice Memoires

Revivant son passe apres plus de soixante annees, Maurice Druon retrouve une passion egale a celle qu’il a eprouvee pour le vivre. Les personnes, les evenements, les lieux se succedent, se bousculent, se superposent. Ses Memoires inachevees presentent un tableau tres vivant de la France de 1918 a
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Купить за 4729 RUR
Druon Maurice The She-Wolf of France

Druon Maurice The She-Wolf of France

Charles IV is now king of France and his sister is Edward II of England’s Queen. Having been imprisoned by Edward as leader of the rebellious English barons, Roger Mortimer escapes to France, where he joins the war against the English Aquitaine. But it is his love affair with Isabella, the
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Купить за 1873 RUR
Druon Maurice Les Rois Maudits

Druon Maurice Les Rois Maudits

La dynastie royale serait-elle vraiment maudite, comme l’a declare, selon la legende, Jacques de Molay, dernier grand maitre de l’ordre des Templiers sur le bucher ? Au XIVe siecle, depuis le proces des Templiers et jusqu’aux debuts de la guerre de Cent Ans, se succedent de nombreux rois aux
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Купить за 11582 RUR
Druon Maurice Les Grandes Familles

Druon Maurice Les Grandes Familles

Les Grandes Familles, prix Goncourt, est l'un des romans les plus celebres de la litterature francaise contemporaine. Salue unanime ment par la critique des sa parution, traduit dans le monde entier et porte a l'ecran avec un tres vif succes, ce grand roman de societe dans la tradition balzacienne
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Купить за 2731 RUR
Dumas Alexandre The Man in the Iron Mask

Dumas Alexandre The Man in the Iron Mask

I've worn that mask so long I don't feel safe without it. D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis return to meet their destinies in their final adventure. D'Artagnan still remains in the service of King Louis XIV, while Aramis is a priest at the Bastille prison. Upon listening to a confession from an
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Купить за 541 RUR
Druon Maurice Les rois maudits - Edition integrale collector

Druon Maurice Les rois maudits - Edition integrale collector

Citee en modele absolu du roman historique par George R.R. Martin, auteur de Game of Thrones, la celebrissime fresque de Maurice Druon reunie en un seul volume dans une edition collector ! Au debut du XIVe siecle s’ouvre, contre les Templiers, le plus vaste proces dont l’Histoire ait garde le
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Купить за 9089 RUR