Montgomery lucy maud rainbow valley по низким ценам

Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

'There was a little unfailing spring, always icy cold and crystal pure, in a certain birch-screened hollow of Rainbow Valley in the lower corner near the marsh. Not a great many people knew of its existence. The manse and Ingleside children knew, of course . . .' When the new minister, Reverend
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Купить за 992 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

'There was a little unfailing spring, always icy cold and crystal pure, in a certain birch-screened hollow of Rainbow Valley in the lower corner near the marsh. Not a great many people knew of its existence. The manse and Ingleside children knew, of course . . .' When the new minister, Reverend
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Купить за 1974 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

Rainbow Valley is the fifth book in the beloved Anne Shirley series. A now grown-up Anne and her children find themselves match-making for John Meredith, the new minister in Glen St. Mary. Complete and unabridged, this classic tale is beloved by readers both young and old. Arcturus Essential Anne
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Купить за 1931 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

Montgomery Lucy Maud Rainbow Valley

Rainbow Valley is the fifth book in the beloved Anne Shirley series. A now grown-up Anne and her children find themselves match-making for John Meredith, the new minister in Glen St. Mary. Complete and unabridged, this classic tale is beloved by readers both young and old.
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Купить за 1090 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Emily Climbs

Montgomery Lucy Maud Emily Climbs

Emily never imagined Aunt Elizabeth would allow her to go to high school in Shrewsbury, and she's thrilled, especially as her close friends Ilse, Teddy and Perry will be there. But there are certain conditions: for the whole three years Emily must board with hateful Aunt Ruth, and she must promise
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Купить за 2210 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Emily's Quest

Montgomery Lucy Maud Emily's Quest

Emily knows she's going to be a great writer. She also knows that she and her childhood sweetheart, Teddy Kent, will conquer the world together. But when Teddy leaves home to pursue his goal to become an artist at the School of Design in Montreal, Emily's world collapses. With Teddy gone, Emily
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Купить за 2830 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Avonlea

Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Avonlea

The sequel to Anne of Green Gables, there are lots of new characters to get to know as well as many much loved ones to meet again in Anne of Avonlea. Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These
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Купить за 2495 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Avonlea

Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Avonlea

If you love a good story, then look no further. Oxford Children's Classics bring together the most unforgettable stories ever told. They're books to treasure and return to again and again. At half past sixteen, Anne is now ready to take her place in Avonlea society as a teacher at her old school.
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Купить за 1049 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Ingleside

Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Ingleside

"Аня из Инглсайда" - очередной бестселлер известной канадской писательницы Люси Монтгомери, продолжающий увлекательное повествование о судьбе Ани Ширли. Анна - счастливая жена и мать пятерых детей, живёт с мужем в любимом Инглсайде. Дети постепенно подрастают, находят себе друзей и... попадают в
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Купить за 1777 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Avonlea

Montgomery Lucy Maud Anne of Avonlea

"Аня из Авонлеи" - очередной бестселлер известной канадской писательницы Люси Монтгомери, продолжающий увлекательное повествование о судьбе девочки-сироты. Теперь Анне уже шестнадцать, и она повзрослела… почти. Её рыжие волосы такие же огненные, как и характер. Но решение стать школьным учителем
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Купить за 1847 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Chronicles of Avonlea

Montgomery Lucy Maud Chronicles of Avonlea

"Авонлейские хроники" - очередной бестселлер известной канадской писательницы Люси Монтгомери, представляющий собой сборник различный коротких рассказов, входящих в цикл романов об Ане. Произведениям свойственны тонкий юмор, неожиданные развязки и трогательные персонажи. В этот сборник включены
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Купить за 1000 RUR
Montgomery Lucy Maud Rilla of Ingleside

Montgomery Lucy Maud Rilla of Ingleside

"Рилла из Инглсайда" - очередной бестселлер известной канадской писательницы Люси Монтгомери, продолжающий увлекательное повествование о судьбе Анны и её семьи. В этой увлекательной книге главной героиней становится дочь Анны - Рилла. В размеренный ход жизни семейства вмешивается... война. Смогут
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Купить за 892 RUR