Gogol по низким ценам

0711297533736, Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello, Solidaritine (coloured)

0711297533736, Виниловая пластинка Gogol Bordello, Solidaritine (coloured)

Студийный альбом американской цыганской панк-группы Gogol Bordello, выпущенный в 2022 году. В записи участвовали британский хардкор-панк и регги музыкант H.R. и украинская электро-фолк группа Kazka. Издание на 180-гр синем виниле. Gogol Bordello - уникальный интернациональный проект, образованный в
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Купить за 4660 RUR
Lahiri J. The Namesake

Lahiri J. The Namesake

Gogol was named in haste after his father's favourite author. Growing up in an Indian family in suburban America, he finds himself yearning to cast off his awkward name, and with it the inherited values it represents. Determined to live a life far removed from that of his parents, Gogol sets off on
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Купить за 734 RUR
Lahiri J. The Namesake

Lahiri J. The Namesake

Gogol was named in haste after his father's favourite author. Growing up in an Indian family in suburban America, he finds himself yearning to cast off his awkward name, and with it the inherited values it represents. Determined to live a life far removed from that of his parents, Gogol sets off on
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Купить за 734 RUR
Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg

Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg

Gogol n'a jamais concu les " nouvelles de Petersbourg " comme un projet global qu'il aurait realise chapitre apres chapitre. Le titre, d'ailleurs, n'a ete invente qu'apres sa mort, par des editeurs, Saint-Petersbourg n'est pas pour lui l'objet d'une etude systematique, mais l'occasion de voyages
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Купить за 818 RUR
Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg

Gogol Nikolai Nouvelles de Petersbourg

Attache, tel un diable visionnaire, aux pas chancelants de ses personnages, pantins grotesques autant qu'ils sont pathetiques, Gogol parcourt Petersbourg, transfiguree sous sa plume en un inquietant theatre d'ombres. Du Manteau au Portrait, en passant par Le journal d'un fou, Le Nez et La
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Купить за 736 RUR
Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories

Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories

Nikolai Gogol was one of the nineteenth century's greatest and most influential Russian writers, a realist whose witty and acerbic observations and his taste for the absurd give his writing its strange, comic voice.Selected from the work of Constance Garnett, one of Gogol's earliest translators,
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Купить за 990 RUR
Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories

Gogol N. A Place Bewitched and Other Stories

Nikolai Gogol was one of the nineteenth century's greatest and most influential Russian writers, a realist whose witty and acerbic observations and his taste for the absurd give his writing its strange, comic voice.Selected from the work of Constance Garnett, one of Gogol's earliest translators,
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Купить за 990 RUR
Gogol Nikolai The Nose

Gogol Nikolai The Nose

Russia's great nineteenth-century satirical absurdist shows what happens when a man wakes up with his nose missing, and illustrates the folly of boasting. 'Strangely enough, I mistook it for a gentleman at first. Fortunately I had my spectacles with me so I could see it was really a nose.' With
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Купить за 428 RUR
Gogol Nikolai Taras Boulba

Gogol Nikolai Taras Boulba

Un episode imaginaire de la lutte des cosaques contre les Polonais dans l'Ukraine du XVIIe siecle. Le vieux Taras Boulba, cosaque des temps heroiques, apres avoir initie a la guerre ses deux fils, perd l'aine sous les coups de l'ennemi et tue de ses propres mains le cadet qui, amoureux d'une
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Купить за 2696 RUR
Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Предлагаем вниманию читателей поэму в прозе великого русского писателя Н.В.Гоголя "Мертвые души", рассказывающую о похождениях Павла Ивановича Чичикова, авантюриста, скупающего у провинциальных помещиков "мертвые души". Перед читателем предстает панорама русской провинциальной жизни середины XIX века.
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Купить за 861 RUR
Gogol Nikolai Petersburger Novellen

Gogol Nikolai Petersburger Novellen

Der Newskijprospekt Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen Die Nase Der Mantel Romantische Phantastik und sozialkritischer Realismus kennzeichnen jene beruhmten vier Erzahlungen Nikolaj Gogols, die als ›Petersburger Novellen‹ in die Literaturgeschichte eingegangen sind. Bereits der Titel zeigt an, da?
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Купить за 1744 RUR
Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls

A mysterious stranger named Chichikov arrives in a small provincial Russian town and proceeds to visit a succession of landowners, making each of them an unusual and somewhat macabre proposition. He offers to buy the rights to the dead serfs who are still registered on the landowner's estate, thus
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Купить за 751 RUR