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Olga Bannova. Space Architecture

Olga Bannova. Space Architecture

Для многих идея космической архитектуры как дисциплины лежит в области научной фантастики, где все возможно просто потому, что происходит «очень далеко в будущем». Космическая архитектура – вымысел или реальность?Эта книга исследует, нужно ли и как нужно трансформировать архитектурные принципы и
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Купить за 2290 RUR
Bannova Olga Space Architecture. Human Habitats Beyond Planet Earth

Bannova Olga Space Architecture. Human Habitats Beyond Planet Earth

For many, the idea of Space Architecture as a discipline lies in the domain of science fiction, where everything is possible simply because it happens ‘very far in the future’. Is Space Architecture a fiction or reality? This book explores if and how architectural principles and strategies need to
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Купить за 3476 RUR
Meuser Paul Moon. Architectural Guide

Meuser Paul Moon. Architectural Guide

Architecture on the moon is no longer a naive fantasy dreamt up by space-flight pioneers. In fact, various building typologies for lunar architecture have emerged in recent years. Their prototypes are being tested in hostile regions on Earth and are waiting to be deployed on the moon. This book's
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Купить за 3559 RUR
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra

Lamprecht Barbara Neutra

The continual refinement of human knowledge of the body and soul came to be one and the same thing for me, and the architecture of human living space its most necessary application and valuation." - Richard Neutra Born and raised in Vienna, Richard Neutra (1872-1970) came to America early in his
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Купить за 1012 RUR
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra

Lamprecht Barbara Neutra

"The continual refinement of human knowledge of the body and soul came to be one and the same thing for me, and the architecture of human living space its most necessary application and valuation." Richard Neutra Born and raised in Vienna, Richard Neutra (1872-1970) came to America early in his
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Купить за 828 RUR
Paul Meuser. Architectural guide. Moon

Paul Meuser. Architectural guide. Moon

В честь 50-летия первого человека на Луне эта книга впервые рассматривает артефакты, оставшиеся на Луне, с точки зрения архитектуры. В книге рассматривается каждая миссия – пилотируемая и беспилотная – которая фактически приземлилась на Луну. Он охватывает время от начала советско-американской
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Купить за 4150 RUR
Understanding Architecture

Understanding Architecture

Intended both as an introductory text for students and professionals in the field as well as an accessible read for the general public, Primer on Architecture (working title) addresses the basic principles of architecture and uncovers its ongoing influence in contemporary culture. The volume is
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Купить за 4099 RUR
Understanding Architecture

Understanding Architecture

Intended both as an introductory text for students and professionals in the field as well as an accessible read for the general public, Primer on Architecture (working title) addresses the basic principles of architecture and uncovers its ongoing influence in contemporary culture. The volume is
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Купить за 4099 RUR
Gravel Elise Olga. We're Out of Here!

Gravel Elise Olga. We're Out of Here!

Olga’s trip to outer space is postponed when her possibly-alien but definitely-cute pet, Meh, comes down with a case of the Pink-Pox. Meh is acting weird. She won’t eat olives. She sleeps for 12 hours at a time. She’d rather pee on the rug than go for a walk in the park. And she smells bad – REALLY
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Купить за 1340 RUR
Calder Barnabas Architecture. From Prehistory to Climate Emergency

Calder Barnabas Architecture. From Prehistory to Climate Emergency

A groundbreaking history of architecture told through the relationship between buildings and energy Reducing energy use is the single biggest challenge facing architecture today. From the humblest prehistoric hut to the imposing monuments of Rome or Egypt to super-connected modern airports,
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Купить за 4844 RUR
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Restaurants & Bars

Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Restaurants & Bars

The latest architecture and design of restaurants and bars, from L.A. to Tokyo, is the focus of this book. Whether the challenge is merely placing furniture in a simple space, or an ambitious structural project, restaurants and bars are the sites of our most expressive architecture; more ephemeral
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Купить за 3036 RUR
Cruddas Sarah The Space Race. The Journey to the Moon and Beyond

Cruddas Sarah The Space Race. The Journey to the Moon and Beyond

Blast off alongside space expert Sarah Cruddas on a ride-along through space exploration history featuring interviews with real Astronauts! This interesting children's space handbook takes you on a journey through the history of space exploration. Unpack space history, its future, and fascinating
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Купить за 3658 RUR